
Playing twister with colorful dots! 3rd Kindergarten of Sikies, Thessaloniki , Greece, 1st class/Neofytidou Anastasia

The Dot Day 2024

Which way


Power meadow

Inspired by "the dot"! 3rd Kindergarten of Sikies, Thessaloniki, Greece

Dot Day in our school

A story based on a quote

Klasa 6a ze Szkoły Podstawowej nr 50 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Świętej Jadwigi Królowej Polski w Białymstoku prezentuje swoje talenty i zainteresowania.

We create our flower element

ITALY - Creative Quote- Our creative garden

ITALY- Creative Quote- Alice's Curiosity

ITALY- Creative quote- Our Doors

ITALY- Our Art group logo

ITALY- Working on Bingo game and digital puzzle

Flowers' power

Dots in a word cloud

Creating the fashion game

Creative quotes

ITALY - Flower power work

ITALY-Vashti's Story

Dots in the word cloud

Geometry - a picture of circles

Flower and butterfly element

Vivid dot images

Everyone faces obstacles